Whether your home is traditional, modern, or shabby chic, you can create an interesting and beautiful piece of decor with only a little time and a lot of creativity.

1. See What it COULD Be -
Look beyond an item's current appearance to imagine what it could become with a little of your time and attention. If the curve of a sofa really speaks to you but you can't stand the torn up upholstery, imagine what it could look like with some new fabric. Don't let chipped paint or broken drawers distract you from what could be a great piece.
Repurposing is an eco-friendly way to show off your individual style, so if something about an item is speaking to you, listen!
2. Seek Your Treasure -
You can find great treasures in alley dumpsters, but if you don't want to get dirty, you can also look in:
- Your own old furniture that could be given a face lift
- Your Grandma's attic
- Yard and Garage sales
- Thrift Stores
- Consignment Stores
- Architectural Salvage Yards
- Repurpose Stores, such as Habitat for Humanity's ReStore
- Craigslist
- Eco-friendly websites to connect sellers and buyers, such as Freecycle.com
3. The Bones -
The most important thing to consider when looking at a piece of furniture is if the basic structure, the bones, is still strong. If it has a sturdy frame and good springs (for sofas and chairs), things like hinges and legs are an easy fix. With a little sanding, some new fabric, paint, or drawer pulls, you can reveal a diamond in the rough.
4. The Purpose for the Re-Purpose -
Take stock of your current situation and what your home needs, and let that be the guide for how the new piece will be used. You don't have to use it as it was originally designed, and some of the best ideas are the most unique.
5. Get to it! -
- Refinish wood with a sander, paint or shellac
- Wood Filler can repair crack or old nail holes
- Benches, headboards and dining chairs can get a new look with some fabric and a staple gun
- Reupholstering a sofa may require a professional, but that may still be cheaper than a new one
And some more ideas:
- Refinish dresser drawers, line them with pretty paper, and hang them on the wall for shelving
- Mount an old door horizontally for a unique headboard on your bed
- Cover an old dresser with a slab of remnant granite for a kitchen island
Check out PINTEREST for thousands more ideas
Tell us some of your unique re-purposing ideas on our facebook page at facebook.com/aivadecor
If you want to learn how to re-purpose and re-furbish old items and you live in the Cincinnati area, great classes are available at Secretly Shabby (www.facebook.com/secretlyshabby, 231 Main St. Hamilton, OH 45013, 513-607-6482). Lisa Weaver will show you how to master DIY shabby chic for your home :)
If you want to learn how to re-purpose and re-furbish old items and you live in the Cincinnati area, great classes are available at Secretly Shabby (www.facebook.com/secretlyshabby, 231 Main St. Hamilton, OH 45013, 513-607-6482). Lisa Weaver will show you how to master DIY shabby chic for your home :)